The course of true love never did run smooth, but the TH Junior school Shakespeare Festival did!

During Week Zero [when Senior pupils were ensconced in examinations] pupils from the Junior school enjoyed an enchanted week learning about the life and times of William Shakespeare, with the week concluding in a whole school interactive performance of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’.

Pupils from years 3 to 5 were able to showcase what they had been devising during their Expressive Arts lessons this term, and pupils from Pre-Prep and Year 6 also got involved by offering some musical interludes. ‘THe Shakespeare Festival’ was held on the Friday afternoon before half-term, and gave pupils a chance to present their performances and class work from the week to staff and parents. Thanks go to the staff and the PSS who were involved by dressing up and running Shakespearean themed stalls such as Skittles, Apple Bobbing, Potion Making and face painting… Magical!