Parent Staff Society

Our Parent Staff Society (PSS) is at the heart of a dynamic school community.

We are a registered charity and as such we organise fund raising events to enable all the departments of the school to benefit from additional funds for all those ‘extras’ which will enrich the school life of the girls. Over the past 5 years we have donated in excess of £80,000 for various projects which have been of benefit to all.

Some projects have been relatively small such as robots for the girls to learn coding and some much larger including £20,000 towards the cost of the new sports pavilion and £10,000 towards the Hardy gym.

Fundraising activities have included an Easter Basket Raffle, Christmas Fayre, Colour Run and the Parents’ Ball. Not only do these types of events raise significant funds but also they offer the families and staff of Talbot Heath the opportunity to have fun and socialise.

The parents on the Parent Staff Society Committee represent their Year Groups and we are always keen to welcome parents to our society. If you would like to get involved with events or fundraising, please contact us at .

We look forward to hearing from you.

SURVEY! What fundraising events would you like us to put on? 

Fill in this quick form

Gift Aid

Gift aid is a scheme whereby HM Revenue & Customs give money to charity. The PSS annual subscriptions of £15 which are added to the September fee notes are eligible for the scheme and all parents need to do for us to claim £3.75 per family each year is to sign, date and return the gift aid declaration to the PSS. The only things to think about are to ensure that it is the person who pays the school fees who signs the declaration, and they need to actually pay UK income tax or capital gains tax. It makes no difference to the scheme if the signatory is a parent, grandparent, aunty etc, as long as it is the person paying the school fees. If the person signing the declaration pays income tax at 40% or 45% then they can also claim tax relief for the donation of £15 on their tax return, so that they also get a tax benefit.

Once a declaration has been signed it will stay in force till your daughter leaves the school or you ask for it to be rescinded – for example if you move abroad and are no longer a UK tax-payer. Although the annual sum for each family is only small, it soon mounts up to a decent sum.

The Gift Aid form is here