Talbot Heath Sixth Form Testimonials

6th Form Dress Code

Sixth Form Dress Code

We consider the Sixth Form to be ambassadors for the school and expect them to be suitably dressed for a professional environment. They are not required to wear uniform, but should look smart and tidy at all times. It is acknowledged that there is a subjective element in determining what is considered appropriate dress, and the school therefore reserves the right to determine the required standards in individual cases.

  • Skirts should be of a reasonable length – at least reaching to mid thigh.
  • Trousers should be tailored – jeans, cords, cropped trousers, jogging bottoms, leggings and shorts are not considered to be suitable wear for school.
  • No hoodies, other than for sport.
  • No denim.
  • No strappy tops.
  • Shoes should be appropriate. Trainers are not considered acceptable footwear other than for sport.
  • There should be no visible body piercings other than in the ears, except for religious reasons.