Learning Support

At Talbot Heath, we are committed to ensuring that every pupil fulfils her potential.

We recognise that all children have very different learning needs. We celebrate diverse ways of thinking, working to the strengths of each individual so that we are able to boost the child’s confidence, whilst supporting areas of difficulty.

We employ highly qualified special educational needs coordinators in both senior and junior schools. They closely monitor and oversee all pupils and help girls overcome any difficulties they may encounter in their studies. They offer support and strategies to staff and parents, in addition to tutoring individual pupils and small groups.

We also offer specialist individual support to those diagnosed with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia. There is no additional charge for this service. We endeavour to ensure that lessons are arranged at times which do not interfere with the pupil’s regular timetable. Access arrangements for both internal and external examinations are provided.

We operate a gifted and talented register that includes pupils who are particularly able in any field, and they receive appropriate support to extend their learning and achievement. We also have specialist help available for those girls who have English as their second language.

In the senior school, we run a study skills morning each year for our year 8 and year 11 pupils. This is presented by a company which specialise in dynamic ways to learn and revise.

Learning support lessons are relaxed and informal. We are committed to every child feeling happy and secure in their learning environment, enabling them to explore and fulfil their academic potential.

Junior School SEND

All our pupils in the pre prep and junior department are carefully monitored by all staff, in order to ensure we give our girls the best opportunities to learn and fulfil their potential.

If a pupil encounters difficulties with her learning, she will be referred to Mrs Rogers, the Junior School SENDCO. In consultation with teaching staff and teaching assistants a programme of support will be planned and implemented. This can take the form of consolidation or pre-teaching of concepts in a small group, or if a pupil has a specific learning difficulty, and there is clear evidence of this, an individual programme of support and learning strategies will be delivered. Interventions are regularly reviewed and smart targets set after each session. Sessions sometimes continue for a few weeks, or in the case of a specific learning difficulty, may continue whilst the pupil remains at TH.

These support lessons are delivered by our very experienced and well qualified teaching assistants, with input from form and subject teachers and overseen by Mrs Pugh, who has qualifications and experience of teaching children with a variety of S.E.N. and dyslexia.  These lessons are timetabled during lesson time, on a rolling cycle, i.e. at different times each week, avoiding core subjects and are provided at no extra cost.

If a pupil is receiving support, a record of concepts covered is sent home or reported each half term. Additionally, there is an opportunity for a formal parent consultation, with Mrs Pugh, in the Spring Term. However, we encourage and welcome parents at any time, to discuss their daughter’s learning and progress.

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I learn, involve me and I remember

Benjamin Franklin.

Senior School SEND

Support for SEND in our senior school is highly individualised and tailored to support the needs of each learner. At Talbot Heath, we follow the Graduated Approach to SEND. Pupils’ progress is monitored at regular intervals and the provision of High-Quality teaching aims to provide for all pupils through a personalised and differentiated approach to learning.

Through regular monitoring, along with formal school reports, teachers both monitor and communicate with pupils and parents to best support pupils’ learning. The teachers programme for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) enables them to be well-placed to identify any possible SEND needs in the pupils they teach, and good communication ensure there are plenty of opportunities for students and parents to share any concerns they may have about their child’s learning and possible SEND.

For pupils with SEND, the Senior School SENDCo, Miss Lowe, oversees the provision of support for them, in close collaboration with the pupil, parents and teachers, and any other staff involved in the support of this pupil. Provision can be classroom-based through High Quality teaching, or in some cases, may require a period of small group targeted intervention, delivered by the SENDCo. Any interventions are provided at times that will have the least impact on learning, and any impact on lesson time is reduced through the provision of rolling timetables. Through regular communication, both pupil and parents are involved in the process of learning support intervention, with regular reviews of progress.

Staff at Talbot Heath School are very willing to work with outside agencies in the support of a pupil’s wellbeing and progress. We liaise with outside agencies such as CAMHS, BCP SEND team, as well as Clinic Psychologists, Educational Psychologists and Specialist Dyslexia Assessors.

Learning support at the Senior School aims to equip pupils with the tools they need to manage any challenges they face, across all categories of SEND, to promote independence and a positive approach to learning.