Pre-Prep Age 2-7
Our Pre-Preparatory Department is for children aged from 2-7 years and it includes the Early Years Foundation Stage (2-5 years) and Key Stage One (5-7 years). The children benefit from good staff to pupil ratios to enable a mix of whole-class teaching as well as small group work and one-to-one support.
We deliver a full and balanced curriculum here at Talbot Heath. Our Kindergarten and Reception children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals and in Key Stage One, the National Curriculum is the basis for our structured planning. Nevertheless, we go beyond this in order to enrich the girls’ educational perspectives.

The core curriculum subjects of Mathematics and English are, of course, taught on a daily basis. In Key Stage One, other subjects taught are Science, Art, Design and Technology, Computing and ‘Topic’ (which includes History, Geography and R.S). From Reception onwards the children are taught Music and Sport by qualified specialists, using the Senior School facilities. In Key Stage One, they also begin French lessons with specialist language teachers.
The children in Pre-Prep are extremely happy and content. We pride ourselves on our close links between our parents and staff. Parents are invited to class assemblies and children in Year 2 even invite their Grandparents to afternoon tea!
The children make full use of our wonderful woodland surroundings both in their lessons and during our regular visits to our Forest School site. We ensure our girls enjoy their learning and there is always time for independent learning activities and plenty of play here in Pre-Prep!