
African Dance Club

Madame Vanco's African Dance Club has been a real hit this year as she explains below:

'I started doing African dance about 10 years ago in Bristol. I started attending Zumba classes at the Bristol dance centre and became friends with the instructor. during a conversation about dancing, she suggested that I try the African dance class on a Monday evening as she thought I would love it. She got that right – I absolutely loved it and I have been doing African dance since then, taking classes regularly, but also doing performances with a group and live drums.

'In 2018, I moved to Dorset and I was determined to find an African dance class as I wanted to continue dancing. I found a class, took part in a few performances and I was thrilled, but unfortunately, the class was cancelled during Covid. Now my friends and I meet on a more casual basis and dance together (sometimes perform together), but it is not as regular as it used to be.

'I love African dance, and this is why I decided to start-up an African dance club in school, to share my love for it, but also to continue doing African dance.

'African dance moves can vary depending on which country/style/tradition the instructor is taking inspiration from. The moves I put together for the club are a mixture of all the moves I have learned in the past few years and other moves I discover in music videos.

'This academic year, the African dance club is open to all year groups and is taking place on Tuesday week 1 at 1:30pm in AUD3 in the Hub (see the poster attached). We have been learning some basic African moves and some choreographies.

'Next academic year, I am hoping to run the club every week. We also gave a brief performance and African dance session for Reception recently. They were learning about African masks and a staff member enquired whether they could watch the club one day. The girls and I were delighted about it, so we dressed up and put together a short performance for them. We also taught them some moves and got them to join in the dancing. Everyone had a fantastic time!'


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