
All of our humanity is dependent upon recognising the humanity in others. 

Our assemblies last week focused on Holocaust Memorial Day and were a reminder to us of the need to protect the dignity and rights of all and prevent the marginalisation of groups within our society. The Senior school held two special commemorations, with the lighting of Jewish memorial candles by form leaders and Head girls in our assembly on Friday: each candle had a photograph, name and details of a Holocaust victim depicted on them and these candles burned throughout the day to signify ‘ light in the darkness.’ The work of our Amnesty International group, highlights the importance of human rights.

My Upper 3 pupils have just finished their computer animations on the theme of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as part of their Global Citizenship classes with me and I was impressed with their creativity and ability to produce impactful, engaging films.

I referred to the words of Archbishop Desmond Tutu in a recent issue of iconnect, but those words resonate especially deeply at this time : ‘When we see others as the enemy, we risk becoming what we hate. When we oppress others, we end up oppressing ourselves. All of our humanity is dependent upon recognising the humanity in others.’ 

Wishing you all a happy and productive week ahead.


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