
Emotional farewells, assessments & smoke grenades – just another week at Talbot Heath School!

This has been a phenomenally busy week for us at TH, even though every week is packed with activity.

We said well done to our Upper 5 and Upper 6 pupils and marked the end of their assessments and academic year with celebrations and special assemblies.

It was very emotional for me to see my own elder daughter, Evie, complete her last day at Talbot Heath. She started in Junior School in Year 3, on my first day as Head, and we have journeyed together over the past eleven years. Her younger sister, Frances,  started in Reception at TH on the same day.  I have been privileged to share in my daughters’ education – though they may have been mortified to have their mother as headteacher at times ( I would like to apologise to them for the assembly during which I did impressions of birdsong). I did well to hold back a tear as I wished Evie and all the Upper 6 ( many of whom I had known since they were very young) all the very best in the future.

Evie, myself and Frances on our very first day at Talbot Heath, eleven years ago.
Evie as a Sixth Former, just chilling in the Steam Hub.

Our Upper 5 and Upper 6 have been fantastic during the past two years, demonstrating great camaraderie and resilience. I said to them all that their support of one another, combined with the support and expertise of their teachers, has enabled them to face the challenges of Covid-19 with strength and good humour. I am confident that these young women will face their futures with determination, positivity and commitment. I cannot wait to hear about the amazing things that they will do. 

Great fun was had by all at the Upper 5 activity fun day!

Our Lower 5 and Lower 6 pupils have undertaken assessments and we are very proud of the way that they have approached a return to more formal summative testing, after a challenging year.

Juniors, meanwhile, have ventured forth on their first school trips since the pandemic began and Year 6 had a fantastic  WW2 day, run by our design team and Major Angela Laycock from the Royal Engineers, involving tanks, smoke grenades, gliders and Bailey bridges. It was wonderful to see them learning so much from an inspirational woman, whose team was responsible for building the Nightingale Hospitals last year. 

Wishing you all a very well-deserved and happy weekend.


#RoyalEngineers #ProudSappers #AngelaLaycock #SteamCurriculum #InterdisciplinaryLearning

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