
Harvest Festival, a special time.

As the leaves started to turn, it was a pleasure to celebrate Harvest Festival as a school community. Our Sixth Form organised the whole school collection for the women’s refuge in Bournemouth and welcomed our Pre-prep pupils to our main hall to create a rainbow display of produce.

Our Junior School performed live in our service and Jess Ellis (our RS prefect) and Lucy Lockwood (one of our charity prefects) supported Reverend Burke with a variety of readings and prayers. It is a service that we hold annually at this time of the year and it always coincides with the misty mornings of mellow fruitfulness on site.

This heart warming video shows a really special aspect of being a through school, the youngest and oldest pupils working together. Just look at the faces of our Pre-Prep pupils as they hand over their gifts!

Our Sixth Form geographers needed their woolly jumpers for their field trip to Devon but warmed up at the Riverford Cafe. It has been an incredibly busy ten days with two open events and harvest and charity week assemblies.

My thanks go to all staff and pupils for putting in so much extra effort.


You can view the whole Harvest Festival service here.

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