
ISA Musical Theatre Competition

From Legally Blonde to Les Misérables, the world of musical theatre has something for everyone and is the perfect way to showcase both musical and dramatic skills. Students across the nation have been invited to choose a song from their favourite musical and learn it off by heart, as either a solo or duet. Therefore, the TH music staff were delighted that the recent ISA Musical Theatre competition attracted such a vast number of entries from girls across the school, from Year 3 to Year 13. The quality of entries was excellent and gave the internal judges a real challenge to choose the winners and subsequent runners up.

A huge well done to all of the participants, but special mention must go to Thalia M, Charley C and Lucy W from the Junior School. Holly S, Maddie H, Anya P, Millie H, Elouisa A, Maya P and Abigail G. All these girls will now have their video entered into the national ISA competition which will take place in May.  

Good luck to all of the girls in the next round of the competition. Thanks go to the Music department for their support. 

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