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My hope is that tiers will only be associated with wedding cakes and bubbles will only exist in champagne again! 

In this final blog of the summer term, I don’t have a lot to say, but what I do, is from the heart. 

I would like to thank all the staff in Junior School and Pre-Prep for all their hard work, commitment, perseverance, adaptability and care of each and every pupil throughout this very strangest of years. At times, every one of us has had to dig deep, put personal needs aside and focus on what really matters at Talbot Heath; the teaching and learning we provide, coupled with genuine warmth and care, for all of our pupils and for each other. 

I would also like to thank the many parents who have written kind words of support and appreciation to myself and members of staff. Your words and actions have been greatly valued and appreciated. 

Importantly, I would also like to thank the pupils, your daughters. Their unquenchable enthusiasm and boundless positivity has provided hope, encouragement and motivation as I have waded through reams of guidance, planned and replanned bubbles and instigated seemingly endless infection control measures. 

As this term draws to a close, I wish all of you a peaceful summer break, full of special times to enjoy, and the enjoyment of time spent differently. My hope is that (borrowed from a quote) tiers will only be associated with wedding cakes and bubbles will only exist in champagne again! 

Warm summer wishes


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