
Thursday evening in the Hub was the place to be as nearly fifty enthusiastic Speech and Drama Training pupils, aged from Year 4 to Upper 6, came together to perform poetry, prose and dramatic scenes. Greeted...


Lower 6 A-Level Psychologists spent the day at Bournemouth University this week, where they had the opportunity to experience a range of mini lectures from experts in various fields such as Forensic Psychology, perspective taking...


This week, ten students in Lower 5 took part in an Anti-bullying Ambassador Training Day hosted by Hayling College (Hayling Island). The Diana Award Anti-Bullying Programme raises awareness of bullying behaviour and supports schools and...


WABA, aka the Wessex Amazing Book Awards, was hosted by Talbot Heath school this year, as we were last year’s winners. This local book award was originally started to bring the power back to students...


Before half term, TH marked Safer Internet Day. Pupils attended special assemblies from Mrs Maule and Mrs McGill, as well as covering relevant content in Computing lessons with Mrs Eels and Mrs McGill. Leaflets were...


This week, sixth formers Helena, Nola and Elena travelled to the Cervantes Theatre in London, to see Lorca’s famous play “La casa de Bernarda Alba”, which they are studying for their A-Level Spanish. On route...


The NSPCC Number Day is a nationwide initiative where schools and nurseries across the UK take part in a mega maths fundraising day. TH pupils from Year 3 to Year 6 enjoyed a fantastic time...
