
Record Numbers Attend Sixth Form Open Evening

The Sixth Form open evening this week proved to be a highly successful event: many pupils from the current Upper 4, Lower 5 and Upper 5 attended to learn about the variety of opportunities the TH Sixth Form offers. They spent time with staff to discuss the range of A-Level options alongside learning about life in the Sixth Form at TH. It was clear that so many students from other schools [especially local state schools] were opting into Talbot Heath’s reputation for securing university places for its students [many of them Russell Group – these are a group of the top 24 universities in the country]. The school is also proud of its excellent advice and careers guidance tailored to the girls’ individual needs. As well as the strong A-Level results, the school is a centre of excellence for the Extended Project Qualification; Talbot Heath is proud of it place in the top ten nationally for outstanding EPQ results.

Madame Klemz, Head of Sixth Form, spoke to parents and pupils about the Sixth Form: ‘We find ourselves in a fast-moving world and one of the things we pride ourselves on, here at Talbot Heath, is the fact that our pupils are on track, and that as a school, we are extremely well equipped to deal with the pace of this fast-changing world. Our adaptability as a school means that we are ready to face any changes.’ Adding: ‘At the end of the two years in the Sixth Form, our pupils are well prepared to start their higher education journey, be it university, embarking on an apprenticeship or choosing to have a gap year or a deferred entry to higher education. Whatever path they choose, our pupils always enjoy coming back to see us to share their news and pride in what they have achieved.’

Thanks go to the staff for their enthusiasm and commitment to the school and especially to the girls who volunteered to make the open evenings such a success and who are always wonderful ambassadors.

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