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Reflect and Focus

Last week in assembly I talked to the girls about Pancake Day and the season of Lent. Lent is associated with giving things up, nowadays usually chocolate, and looking forward to Spring and Easter. Traditionally, it was a time of going without and simplifying the diet; helpful as Winter draws to a close and food supplies depleted. The Biblical origin of this time is when Jesus went and lived in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights and was tempted by the devil. It was a time when Jesus was alone, had time to think and was preparing for what would happen to him at Easter. Christians use it as a time to think and refocus their minds on their faith. Every religion has a season or festival like this to allow time to refocus about what is important in life.  
Lockdown has been a type of enforced Lent on everyone. It has forced all of us to give things up: going out to see friends, visiting family, having parties, play dates, sleep overs, going out for meals, visiting interesting places and attractions, stopping us going shopping apart from food.  
It has probably forced you to realise what you do miss…..or what you don’t!
It has given us all time to reflect on what is really important and to focus our minds on our fundamental needs.
For me, leading the Junior School through these strange times, has certainly seen moments of real challenge, but also moments of great joy. It has given a unique opportunity to reflect on the core meaning of our school and the fundamental meaning of education for your daughters. My vision and guiding principle is always to provide the very best educational opportunities underpinned by an ethos of kindness and care, and to always move forward with careful, deep consideration as the loud maelstrom of opinion and conjecture whirls around us.  

As we approach the 8th March, with mixed emotions and national guidance that provides more questions than answers; be assured, we are looking forward to welcoming everyone safely back on site, confident in the knowledge that we kept up, so don’t need to catch up and ever mindful of guiding your daughters with the utmost kindness and care. 
Warm and safe wishes for the week ahead.


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