Before half term, TH marked Safer Internet Day. Pupils attended special assemblies from Mrs Maule and Mrs McGill, as well as covering relevant content in Computing lessons with Mrs Eels and Mrs McGill. Leaflets were sent home with pupils on a variety of topics, with content dependent on their age group, such as how to spot fake news, online abuse and violence and promoting digital wellbeing.

Pre-Prep and Junior Pupils were taught about what to do when they see something that concerns them, and to block and report unsuitable content, and to tell a trusted adult.

Senior Pupils have been thinking about ways in which technology helps us with our everyday lives, but also the importance of balance and taking time away from the screen. Similarly, they have been reminded about who and where to go for help, and shared ideas about how their generation wishes the internet could be improved to become safer.
Over the years, Safer Internet Day has become a landmark event in the online safety calendar. Starting as an initiative of the EU SafeBorders project in 2004 and taken up by the Insafe network as one of its earliest actions in 2005, Safer Internet Day has grown beyond its traditional geographic zone and is now celebrated in more than 180 countries and territories worldwide.