
Successful Spanish Getaway for TH Pupils

Account written by Señora Frade

‘What an amazing trip! We are so proud of the girls! We went to Spain in search of a bit of sunshine and we landed in a storm! But “a bit of wind” would not stop these tough girls, three hours later and they were in the pool: “We are British, Miss!” Later on we tried our hand at dancing a bit of “Flamenco”; Madame Vanco´s moves were impressive!

‘On our second day, we went to Granada to visit the beautiful Moorish Palace “La Alhambra”.  The views were breath-taking and we learnt a bit about the Moorish architecture and the Christian Reconquest. We finished off taking amazing pictures of La Alhambra, serenaded by a group of Spanish gypsies with a guitar and a drum box. All so very Spanish!



‘On day three, we travelled to Sevilla. We had lunch in Plaza de España. Stunning! It is shame that we did not have more time there. We then visited the famous cathedral (third biggest in the world), where we saw Columbus’ tomb and we climbed up “La Giralda” (another great example of Moorish architecture). Team Señora Snell got to buy ice-creams, so team Señora Frade had an extra “treat” in the evening. We then relaxed in the hotel playing Spanish cards or pool.

“Nerja´s Caves” was the destination on our fourth day; it was a cathedral of a different sort. What a magical place! Outside the caves, we immersed ourselves in a 3D experience, which showed us areas that were not open to the public and how the caves were formed. We then headed for Malaga for our tapas tour; the Paella was OK, but not many liked the Ensaladilla Rusa.  However, the Mexican tapas were a success for all. We finished off with a quick spot of shopping in Calle Larios, before another wet and windy pool experience.


 ‘Finally, on our last day, we went to the beach for a stroll, but we finished as we started, with wind and rain.  We then went to “La Alcazaba” another Moorish Palace in Malaga, but the girls could not get the shop “Sephora” out of their minds and we decided to go back to Calle Larios. What is it with the Dior gloss lip oil? Our final hours in Malaga were spent in “Plaza Mayor’’ – a big mall where the girls were let loose to spend their money – Mrs McGill and Mrs Vanco also found a few bargains…

‘We had a packed five days in Andalucia. We really enjoyed ourselves and made some fantastic memories. We cannot wait to go back!’

A huge amount of time, effort and organisation went into the planning of this visit: grateful thanks go to everyone involved and for giving up part of their half-term break to ensure a safe and successful visit: Señora Frade, Señora Snell, Madame Vanco and Mrs McGill.


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