
Talbot Heath is both the anchor and the kite

Young people flourish when they feel safe, valued, respected, supported and inspired. Talbot Heath School, named as one of the most innovative and influential independent schools in the UK, fosters in its pupils, from age 3 to 18, a ‘can do’ attitude, encouraging them to think big while helping them to develop the self-belief and principles that will keep them grounded while they fly high. Rockets reach their dizzy heights because they are equipped and supported by a team of experts.

The rigorous teaching, high standards and outstanding pastoral care at the school ensure that all the foundations are in place to allow the young people to explore and discover their loves and passions. Pupils at Talbot Heath have dreams and aspirations but know that these will only be achieved through hard work, determination and tenacity. They do not expect the world to come to them on a plate, they appreciate that it is substance, time and effort that brings the most sparkling and ambitious of plans to fruition. Teamwork, kindness, compassion and selflessness are the qualities that will enable them to overcome adversity, to build the strong relationships that will be so important in their lives, both personally and professionally. 

My own daughter has headed off to university this year from Talbot Heath, to take on a challenging undergraduate course. ‘Don’t worry,’ said a fellow colleague. ‘ She is from Talbot Heath, she won’t crumple in the face of a challenge, she is resilient and will adapt to whatever challenges she will face. She has learnt to think for herself, hone and refine her ideas and articulate them. TH pupils don’t go out into the world as shrinking violets – they are resourceful and determined.’ And at that moment, I realised that this is the product of an education that is supportive yet dynamic. Talbot Heath is both the anchor and the kite. 

We head into 2022 with vim and vigour, an educational ‘James Webb telescope’,  excited to embrace the new, knowing that our strong foundations will enable us to go boldly where no school has gone before. 

#AngharadHolloway, Head

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