Last week was a whirlwind of dressing up in Junior School; we held our Year 6 WW2 D Day experience, visited the Nothe Fort in Weymouth as evacuees and on Thursday everyone, including all the staff, dressed up as book characters. Thank you to all of our parents for supporting us with costumes, they looked fabulous.

Beneath the fun and froth of dressing up and having fun, there has always been a very serious educational purpose which is very important and particularly poignant this week as we watch events in Eastern Europe.
Our study of World War Two with Year 6 encourages our pupils to empathise with the experiences of war and the displacement and deprivations people endured from 1939-45.
World Book Day celebrates the joy of reading, the pleasure we derive from hearing stories and the possibility of escaping into imaginary places and meeting new characters. It is important that we appreciate the freedom we enjoy to speak, write and read for ourselves without fear.
This weekend I hope we all find time to cherish and value the peace and freedoms we are privileged and grateful to enjoy.
Warm wishes for the week ahead