Forest School

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Kit List for Forest School / Outdoor Learning

It is vital that all Forest School participants are appropriately dressed in order to get the most of their experience in the woods. Children will need to wear the following:

Summer / warmer months

Long sleeved top, if the weather is hot a light weight shirt would be suitable (to protect from ticks). Jumper but ideally not a fleece as this material is highly flammable. Trousers e.g. tracksuit bottoms, jeans, if the weather is hot lightweight trousers would be suitable (no shorts please). Lightweight waterproof trousers and jacket. These provide extra protection against brambles, stinging nettles and damp ground. Sun hat or cap. Sturdy shoes, no flip flops, crocks or sandals. Trainers would be appropriate in summer.

Winter / colder months

During the winter months it is equally important that the children have appropriate clothing to stay dry and warm. Their head, feet and hands get particularly cold and we would recommend investing in some good quality thermals, snow boots or thermal liners for wellington boots during this time.

Layered clothing e.g. thermal vest, long sleeved t-shirt, fleece or sweatshirt. Trousers, ideally with tights or thermal long johns underneath during the colder months. Thick warm socks. Wellington boots with thermal liners or thermal snow boots during the colder months. A warm waterproof coat / jacket and waterproof trousers. If using an all-in-one suit or light weight rain proof jacket, it must be large enough to fit a warm fleece jacket underneath as it may be wet and cold. No scarves please.

NB. These should be clothes that the children can get dirty. They may get muddy, they may get sap on clothes and they may smell smoky from the campfire.

Pupil Name*
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Consent for your child to take part in Forest School.

Our Forest School is organised and run by Mrs Claire Diment who is working towards her Level 3 Award for Forest School Practitioners.

All staff and volunteers have undergone an appropriate selection process to assess their skills and suitability for working with children and have been subject to enhanced DBS checks. All sessions are staffed by a qualified first aider and all staff have access to a recommended first aid kit.

As the parent / guardian of the child named above, I have read fully and understood the information provided and I would like to give consent for my child to participate in these activities.

I will ensure that my child is dressed appropriately for the weather conditions, including waterproof trousers and jacket.

I know of no medical reason why my child should not participate fully in these Forest School activities.

If I cannot be contacted in the event of a minor accident, I give consent for First Aid to be administered by a qualified First Aider.

Emergency Contact Name*
Alternative Contact Name*
DD slash MM slash YYYY

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