
It’s the idea that I’m only human if I recognise the humanity in you.

Happy New Year ! I hope that you all managed to have a break and spend time with loved ones over the holiday, even if your plans had to change. It is very exciting to welcome back our pupils at the start of January.  We have welcomed a number of new pupils this term, into Junior and Senior school, and we wish them a very successful start with us.

Our tennis team won the national schools’ championship at the very end of last term and our U16 netballers have started 2022 by winning their next round of the national tournament convincingly.

We received wonderful photos of our partner co-operative members in Rwanda with their gifts of maize and shoes that we provided as a Christmas gift from our fundraising. 500 children and 60 co-operative members received a large bag of maize, as a result of which 3360 people will be fed in the coming months.

The words of the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu resonated with me when I saw the photos – ‘ people need to think more collectively. In South Africa they have a word: Ubuntu. It’s the idea that I’m only human if I recognise the humanity in you.’ The partnership between Talbot Heath and the Dufatanye community is an expression of this collective approach.

We look forward to the coming year with positivity and excitement. The buzz of creativity and application is already palpable around the school, the results of which I await with anticipation.


More info on our Rwandan partnership including details on how to sponsor a child for just £5 a month, can be found here

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