
Lower 6 EPQ Trip to Southampton University 

Twelve Lower 6 EPQ students had a great day at Southampton University this week, experiencing a little of life as an undergraduate student.

As part of their Extended Project Qualification, they spent a day at the Hartley Library carrying out research for their independent projects. Once again, the students have chosen a wide range of topics for their projects, including fashion, euthanasia, climate change, Psychology and Law.

The students were taught how to access the online journals and use the library catalogue system to locate books throughout the numerous sections of the vast library. Mrs Baker was also able to join and assist on the visit, helping students navigate their way around the library.

Research skills are key for the EPQ and the students are developing these skills which will be a great asset to them as they continue their Sixth Form studies and also as many of them progress on to university courses in the future.

So far, the students have already developed their decision-making, time management and problem-solving skills on the course and the staff anticipate seeing their final project outcomes at the TH EPQ Presentation Evening later this year.

Thanks to the current EPQ co-ordinator Mrs Karanja for organising the visit and to Mrs Baker for accompanying them.


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