
Our first live assembly for over two years

Senior school held their first live assembly in the main hall for over two years on Wednesday last week. It was an emotional moment for all and I held back some tears while singing Shine Jesus Shine, the hymn that we have adopted as our school anthem. For many pupils and staff it was the first whole school assembly that they had attended at TH. The legendary Reverend Burke , who has kept us all on an even keel throughout the lockdowns, was there in person; when I asked ‘ Are you there, Jonathan?’ , he stepped out from behind me to bring our assembly to a close with a prayer.

The Head Girl team had their first opportunity to sit on stage and read out the notices and Mr Tucker played the piano beautifully, as the pupils entered and left the hall in single file. I showed a clip from our final live assembly in March 2020, when I had first introduced the word ‘zoom’ to the school community. It seemed dreamlike to look at that event and contemplate the challenges that we had faced in the intervening years.

Mr Duell’s assembly on resilience demonstrated that how we respond to events is critical. We are now minded to ensure that, as our emotional bucket fills, we have a tap to release the pressures.

Well done to our Upper 5 pupils on completing their GCSE language orals and handing in their Art last week and thank you to all the Junior staff who supported the Year 6 PGL trip – a good time was had by all.

Warm sunny wishes for the week ahead


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