It is not every day that I find myself backstage in the wings of the main hall with the Reverend Burke, three Tyrannosaurus Rexes and a sumo wrestler. This was the situation that I found myself in on Friday, as the Upper 5 final assembly was about to commence.

Last week, we wished good luck to our Upper 6 pupils and our Upper 5 pupils, who had their final teaching days before their study leave commenced. The Upper 6 excelled themselves with a range of remarkable outfits on each of the days of their final week. It was whilst doing an assembly on the coronation that I looked up to the gallery to see a pupil in full guardsman uniform, complete with busby, sitting next to someone in a hard hat and high vis vest. Such events make final days before exams extremely memorable and put a smile on all of our faces.
The words of thanks from the pupils to their teachers and tutors were heartfelt. They have all been extremely grateful for the tireless support and guidance that has been given to them throughout their GCSE and A level courses. We are very fortunate at Talbot Heath to have such a good relationship between pupils and staff; ours is truly a team effort and this was clear from the messages shared from staff to pupils and the words from pupils to staff. I wish all of our pupils taking public exams in the coming weeks every success.
Hoping that we all enjoy some spring sunshine in the coming days.