
Talbot Heath Celebrates V-B Day

Friday saw the launch of the Wendy Vernon-Browne Tennis Museum, which has been painstakingly put together by staff member and Alumnae Officer, Alison West. Wendy Vernon-Browne, was a former TH teacher, friend and ardent supporter of Talbot Heath school, and was part of the school community for nearly 60 years. She sadly passed away in September 2019 and bequeathed her extensive tennis collection to the school, it has since been catalogued and digitised in Wendy’s honour to ensure her love for tennis lives on. Wendy's friends, former colleagues and local tennis enthusiasts were invited to view the wonderful Miss VB tennis museum, which was showcased in the Hub, and enjoy strawberries and cream and Pimm’s in her memory.  

Mrs Holloway thanked Alison for all of the hard work that was involved in putting this collection together, highlighting how impressive the display is, adding, ‘Wendy would have been thrilled that a British tennis player was competing in the men’s semi-final at Wimbledon, on the big screen in the Hub, during the launch.’

To view the digital museum, please click on the following link: 



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