
The power of funny!

Our red nose day assembly for Comic Relief focussed on the importance of humour, especially when facing times of adversity. Laughter, smiles and joy have been essential this year and we have tried hard at TH to ensure that we have a steady supply of these, no matter what might come our way.

Our assembly today featured a montage of some of our comedy highlights of the year, courtesy of our staff, who have been brilliant at taking on all manner of challenges. Mr Cradick has mastered hula-hooping in space and playing the trumpet with gusto, while the PE department have demonstrated more moves than Jagger in a variety of unforgettable performances. Our boy and girl bands have grooved and induced swooning , as has Senor Castro with his pale blue jacket and blonde highlights.

Our aim has been to bring some sunshine. When I put the call out to staff for volunteers to skip down hallways á la Morecambe and Wise, they did not disappoint. Even Reverend Burke appeared in his red nose deely boppers for our prayer. I love the fact that laughter and smiles have been ever present in the corridors and on our zoom screens over the past twelve months. We have witnessed, at first hand, the ‘power of funny.’

Wishing you all a fun filled weekend!


Our team are such good sports!

#RedNoseDay #ComicRelief #BringMeSunshine

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