
Upper 3 Visit the New Forest and Longdown Activity Centre

At the end of May, Upper 3 visited the New Forest and Longdown Activity centre to increase their knowledge and assess rivers. Firstly, they travelled to Ober waters in Puttles Bridge in the New Forest, where they looked at the current of rivers and the meanders which was both fun and refreshing. Standing in the rivers with wellies, the young geographers measured the current of the river with a current meter – this works by turning with the flow of the river or stream. Pupils also took measurements by laying out a measuring tape and using a tennis ball to time how long it took to get to a certain measurement; as well as measuring the meanders by using a tape measure and gauging the depth every few centimetres.

A walk through the forest was taken to see how much litter there was, as well as counting people and enjoying the birdsong and the ponies with their foals.

After a short journey to Longdown Activity Centre and lunch stop, the girls started their tour of the centre. This consisted of holding chicks, guinea pigs, going on a very bumpy tractor ride, seeing a range of animals (adorable piglets), feeding goats oats and wheat and barley, and feeding cute kids with milk. Eggs were also collected from the chicken coop. Many pupils said particularly enjoyed holding the chicks as they were 'so cute' and many pupils watched as some fell asleep in their hands.

Overall the students enjoyed their day especially after the week of exams, it was the perfect way to begin the half term holidays. Thanks go to the geography department for organising another memorable outing. Thanks also to Nadine, Paige and Phoebe for their contribution to this news piece!



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