This week in Senior school we have been talking about the importance of staying fit and healthy. I showed a fantastic clip of a 105 year old , Julia ‘ Hurricane’ Hawkins, from Louisiana, breaking the world record for the fastest 100 metres by someone over 100. She did it in one minute and two seconds and is aiming to run under a minute. The main challenge, she said, was seeing the lanes where she was supposed to be running. She exhorted everyone to stay fit and keep healthy throughout their lives.
I have been so impressed to see how many of our community are involved in sporting activities. In the past week, our U16 netballers have won the county championship and our swimming team have made it to the national schools’ finals, placing in the top ten in the country. Our runners have been achieving fantastic results in the cross country meets regionally, at Junior and Senior level, and our tennis players head to the national tennis finals next week. We have sailors competing on the world stage , along with biathletes and netballers who are high performance programmes. Our pupils are thoroughly enjoying the ability to participate in sporting fixtures once again and are thriving in all disciplines.

national cup

My thanks go to our PE staff and coaches for supporting them and helping them to achieve their very best. Former pupil, Ella Pusey, who plays football for Southampton and England, is now one of the top strikers in the premier league and we have a number of alumnae representing GB in netball , sailing, triathlon, golf and tennis.
Talbot Heath is well and truly on the map as one of the top performing schools for sport in the country.
Wishing you all an active week.